如何使用 java config 而不是 XML 声明一个存储库填充器 bean?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 spring java jpa spring-data spring-data-jpa

我正在开发一个基于 Spring 的项目,该项目(到目前为止)完全没有 XML,但现在我在 Spring JPA 存储库填充器上遇到了困难:

I am working on a Spring based project that is (so-far) completely XML-free, except now I've hit a wall with the Spring JPA repository populator:

<repository:jackson-populator location="classpath:data.json" />

如何在 java @Configuration 类中表达以上内容?

How would the above be expressed in a java @Configuration class?

这篇文章建议直接使用 FactoryBean:https://stackoverflow.com/a/13566712/1746274

This post suggests using the FactoryBean directly: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13566712/1746274


I tried that and the closest I got was the following but it's not quite right.

public RepositoryPopulator getRespositoryPopulator() throws Exception {
    final JacksonRepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean factory =  new JacksonRepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean();
    return factory.getObject();

上述结果导致 FactoryBeanNotInitializedException 消息 JacksonRepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean 不支持循环引用.

The above results in a FactoryBeanNotInitializedException with the message JacksonRepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean does not support circular references.




class ApplicationConfig {

  public JacksonRepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean repositoryPopulator() {

    Resource sourceData = new ClassPathResource("test-data.json");

    JacksonRepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean factory = new JacksonRepositoryPopulatorFactoryBean();
    // Set a custom ObjectMapper if Jackson customization is needed
    factory.setResources(new Resource[] { sourceData });
    return factory;

通过返回 FactoryBean 本身,Spring 将负责调用所有必要的回调接口(即 setApplicationContext(…)setBeanClassLoader(…)等).工厂 bean 是一个 ApplicationListener,因此将在 ApplicationContext 完全初始化时侦听 ContextRefreshedEvent 并触发填充.

By returning the FactoryBean itself, Spring will take care of invoking all the necessarry callback interfaces (i.e. setApplicationContext(…), setBeanClassLoader(…) etc.). The factory bean is an ApplicationListener and thus will listen to the ContextRefreshedEvent and trigger population when the ApplicationContext is fully initialized.
