
2022-01-18 00:00:00 spring java jpa spring-data spring-data-jpa

给定某个类 Bar 中所有 Spring 数据存储库的列表:

Given the list of all spring data repositories in some class Bar:

private List<Repository> repositories;

如何在上述列表中找到现有域类 Foo 的存储库?

How can I find the repository for an existing domain class Foo in the above list?


public class Foo {

public interface FooRepository extends JpaRepository<Foo, String> {}


Spring Data Commons 包含一个类 Repositories,它采用 ListableBeanFactory 来查找其中定义的所有存储库 bean并公开一个 API 以按域类获取这些实例(通过 ....getRepository(Class<?> type)).

Spring Data Commons contains a class Repositories that takes a ListableBeanFactory to find all repository beans defined in it and exposes an API to obtain these instances by domain class (through ….getRepository(Class<?> type)).

应谨慎使用此类.由于存储库实例正在进行一些重要的代理生成,因此您必须确保在 ApplicationContext 创建期间尽可能晚地创建 Repositories 实例.首选方式是实现ApplicationListener并通过监听ContextRefreshedEvent来创建实例.

This class should be used with care. As there's some serious proxy generation going on for the repository instances you have to make sure the Repositories instance is created as late as possible during the ApplicationContext creation. The preferred way is to implement ApplicationListener and create the instance by listening to the ContextRefreshedEvent.

如果您正在编写 Web 应用程序,使用 Repositories 最安全的方法是在 ContextLoaderListener 创建的 ApplicationContext 中引导存储库code> 并放置 Repositories (参见 参考文档 Spring MVC 了解详情.

In case you're writing a web application, the safest way to use Repositories is by bootstrapping the repositories in the ApplicationContext created by the ContextLoaderListener and place the Repositories (see the reference documentation of Spring MVC for details.
