如何在没有@Id的情况下使用spring Repository?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 spring java jpa spring-data

我在整个应用程序中使用 spring CrudRepository.现在我还想为没有 @Id@Entity 创建一个.这可能吗?

I'm using spring CrudRepository throughout my application. Now I want to also create one for an @Entity that does not have an @Id. Is that possible at all?

//probably ID is always required?
public interface Repository<T, ID extends Serializable>


JPA 要求每个实体都有一个 ID.所以不,不允许没有 ID 的实体.

JPA requires that every entity has an ID. So no, entity w/o an ID is not allowed.

每个 JPA 实体都必须有一个主键.

Every JPA entity must have a primary key.

来自 JPA 规范

您可能想了解更多关于当数据库端没有 id 时 JPA 如何处理案例 从这里(参见无主键").

You may want to read more about how JPA handles a case when there's no id on the DB side from here (see 'No Primary Key').
