通过 Spring Config 扫描 Spring Data 存储库?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 spring java spring-data

我正在尝试在一个小型独立应用程序中同时使用 spring 数据和 spring 配置.

I'm trying to use spring data and spring config together in a small standalone application.

  public static void main( String[] args )
    ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);

1. 我的问题是如何在不使用

1. My question is how can I discover the spring data repositories without using

<jpa:repositories base-package="foo.repositories" />



2. If not, can I use 'ClassPathXmlApplicationContext' and 'AnnotationConfigApplicationContext' together somehow ?



目前还没有 <jpa:repositories .../> 的等效项.请随意跟踪 JIRA 票证.该功能将是 JPA 模块 (1.1) 和 MongoDB (1.1) 即将发布的 GA 版本的主要功能.

Currently there's no equivalent for <jpa:repositories … /> yet. Feel free tor track the according JIRA ticket. The feature will be a major one for the upcoming GA releases of the JPA module (1.1) as well as MongoDB (1.1).
