如何在 Spring Data REST 中公开 @EmbeddedId 转换器

2022-01-18 00:00:00 spring java spring-data spring-data-rest

有些实体具有复合主键,并且这些实体在暴露时具有不正确的链接,在 _links 内的 URL 中具有类的完整限定名称

There are some Entities with composite Primary Keys and these entities when exposed are having incorrect Links having full qualified name of classes in URL inside _links

点击链接也会出现此类错误 -

Also clicking on links gives such errors -

org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type java.lang.String to type com.core.connection.domains.UserFriendshipId

我有 XML 配置的 Spring Repository 并启用了 jpa:repositories 并且 Respository 从 JpaRepository 扩展

I have XML configured Spring Repository with jpa:repositories enabled and Respository extending from JpaRepository

我可以让 Repository 实现 org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter 来处理这个问题.目前正在获取如下链接-

Can I make Repository implement org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter to handle this. Currently getting links as below -

_links: {
userByFriendshipId: {
href: "http://localhost:8080/api/userFriendships/com.core.connection.domains.UserFriendshipId@5b10/userByFriendId"

在 xml 配置中,我启用了 jpa:repositories 并在 Repositories 中启用了 @RestResource

in xml config , I have jpa:repositories enabled and @RestResource enabled inside Repositories


首先你需要得到一个可用的链接.目前,您的复合 ID 公开为 com.core.connection.domains.UserFriendshipId@5b10.重写 UserFriendshipIdtoString 方法应该足以生成像 2-3 这样有用的东西.

At first you need to get a usable link. Currently your composite id is exposed as com.core.connection.domains.UserFriendshipId@5b10. It should be enough to override the toString method of UserFriendshipIdto produce something useful like 2-3.

接下来你需要实现一个转换器 以便 2-3 可以转换回 UserFriendshipId:

Next you need to implement a converter so that 2-3 can be converted back to a UserFriendshipId:

class UserFriendShipIdConverter implements Converter<String, UserFriendshipId> {

  UserFriendShipId convert(String id) {

最后你需要注册转换器.您已经建议覆盖 configureConversionService:

Finally you need to register the converter. You already suggested to override configureConversionService:

protected void configureConversionService(ConfigurableConversionService conversionService) {
   conversionService.addConverter(new UserFriendShipIdConverter());

如果您更喜欢 XML 配置,您可以按照 文档.

If you prefer a XML configuration you can follow the instructions in the documentation.
