在 Wicket 中使用参数化 UI 消息的简单方法?

Wicket 有一个灵活的国际化系统,它支持在许多中参数化 UI 消息方法.有例子,例如在 StringResourceModel javadocs,比如这样:

Wicket has a flexible internationalisation system that supports parameterising UI messages in many ways. There are examples e.g. in StringResourceModel javadocs, such as this:

WeatherStation ws = new WeatherStation();
add(new Label("weatherMessage", new StringResourceModel(
    "weather.${currentStatus}", this, new Model<String>(ws)));


But I want something really simple, and couldn't find a good example of that.

考虑 .properties 文件中的这种 UI 消息:

Consider this kind of UI message in a .properties file:

msg=Value is {0}

具体来说,我不想仅仅为了这个目的而创建一个模型对象(使用 getter 来替换值;如上例中的 WeatherStation).如果我已经有局部变量中的值,那就太过分了,否则就不需要这样的对象.

Specifically, I wouldn't want to create a model object (with getters for the values to be replaced; like WeatherStation in the above example) only for this purpose. That's just overkill if I already have the values in local variables, and there is otherwise no need for such object.

这是用正确的值替换 {0} 的一种愚蠢的蛮力"方法:

Here's a stupid "brute force" way to replace the {0} with the right value:

String value = ... // contains the dynamic value to use
add(new Label("message", getString("msg").replaceAll("\{0\}", value)));

有没有更干净、更 Wicket-y 的方式来做到这一点(不会比上面的长得多)?

Is there a clean, more Wicket-y way to do this (that isn't awfully much longer than the above)?


我认为最一致的WICKETY方式可以通过改进Jonik 的回答 MessageFormat:

I think the most consistent WICKETY way could be accomplished by improving Jonik's answer with MessageFormat:



msg=Saving record {0} with value {1}


add(new Label("label", MessageFormat.format(getString("msg"),obj1,obj2)));


  • 干净、简单的解决方案
  • 使用纯 Java,别无其他
  • 您可以根据需要替换任意数量的值
  • 使用标签、info()、验证等.
  • 它并不完全是 wickety,但它与 wicket 一致,因此您可以使用 StringResourceModel 重用这些属性.
  • Clean, simple solution
  • Uses plain Java and nothing else
  • You can replace as many values as you want
  • Work with labels, info(), validation, etc.
  • It's not completely wickety but it is consistent with wicket so you may reuse these properties with StringResourceModel.


如果你想使用模型,你只需要创建一个简单的模型来覆盖模型的 toString 函数,如下所示:

if you want to use Models you simply need to create a simple model that override toString function of the model like this:

abstract class MyModel extends AbstractReadOnlyModel{
    public String toString()
        if(getObject()==null)return "";
        return getObject().toString();

并将其作为 MessageFormat 参数传递.

and pass it as MessageFormat argument.

我不知道为什么 Wicket 在反馈消息中不支持 Model.但如果支持,则没有理由使用这些解决方案,您可以在任何地方使用 StringResourceModel.

I don't know why Wicket does not support Model in feedback message. but if it was supported there was no reason to use these solutions and you could use StringResourceModel everywhere.
