Vaadin Grid 单元格未显示多行行

2022-01-18 00:00:00 grid java vaadin

使用 Vaadin Grid,我想为每个单元格生成多行单元格,这些单元格中的内容与宽度重叠.

With Vaadin Grid, I want to generate multiline cells for every cell that have more content in cell that overlaps its width.


  • java 换行符和 CSS 样式,如 white-space: pre; 但它似乎不起作用.(此解决方案适用于 Table)

  • java new line character and CSS stylings like white-space: pre; but it does not seem to work. (This solution worked for Table)

自定义渲染器 setRenderer(HtmlRenderer) 带有 </br>标签和不同的 CSS 显示设置

custom renderer setRenderer(HtmlRenderer) with </br>tags and different CSS display settings




For people with large text in columns and who want to display large data in Grid Columns without having them cutoff by default:

  1. 为您的网格添加样式名称:

  1. Add a Style name to your grid:



Add some style names to your rows and cells if you would like to customize them:

grid.setRowStyleGenerator(rowRef -> {// Java 8
    return "bigRows";

grid.setCellStyleGenerator(new Grid.CellStyleGenerator(){
     public String getStyle(CellReference cellReference) {
         return "bigCell";

  • 对我来说,问题栏是评论.因此,使用样式类 wrap 和固定宽度的 p 标签围绕文本.

  • For me the problem column was comments. So surround the text with p tag with style class wrap and a fixed width.

    Converter<String, String> commentsConverter = new Converter<String,  String>(){
            public String convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale)
                    throws {
                return value;
            public String convertToPresentation(String value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale)
                    throws {
                if(value !=null){
                    return "<p class="wrap">"+value+"</p>";
                    return "";
            public Class<String> getModelType() {
                return String.class;
            public Class<String> getPresentationType() {
                return String.class;
        grid.getColumn("comments").setRenderer(new HtmlRenderer(), commentsConverter);

  • 然后我将上面提到的类设置如下:

  • Then i styled the classes mentioned above as follows:

    .commentsGrid td{
        height:150px !important;
      width: 45em;
      word-wrap: break-word;
      word-break: break-all;
      white-space: normal; 

  • 我得到了这样的结果:

    我不是 CSS 忍者,所以你可以让它比这更漂亮.

    I am not a CSS ninja, so you can make it way more beautiful than this.

    如果您不希望所有行都具有同样大的高度,那么您可以即时计算 rowHeights,然后在第 2 步中设置它们.我不是 100% 确定.

    If you don't like all rows to have equally large heights then you can calculate rowHeights on the fly and then set them in step 2. I am not 100% sure.
