使用 Eclipse 在 Android 上的 OpenCV

2022-01-18 00:00:00 opencv windows-7 android eclipse

我在将 OpenCV 导入我的 Android 项目时遇到了麻烦.我已经尝试过这个教程:

I'm having a hell of a time importing OpenCV into my Android project. I've already tried this tutorial:


它不起作用,因为 Eclipse 无法识别目录中的现有项目.所以经过大量搜索,我发现了这个树干:

and it did not work because Eclipse would not recognize the existing projects in the directory. So after much searching I came across this trunk:


并且能够将它导入到我在 Eclipse 中的工作区中.Eclipse 现在可以识别示例项目,但现在的问题是没有 OpenCV 库文件.因此,所有导入不同类的调用都会导致错误.某处不应该有一个opencv.jar吗?我看过各种帖子提到必须建立图书馆,但不幸的是我没有丝毫线索如何做到这一点.我需要一些有分步说明的东西.我正在运行 Windows 7 64 位.

and was able to import it into my workspace in Eclipse. Eclipse now recognizes the sample projects, but now the problem is that there are no OpenCV library files. So all the calls to import different classes result in errors. Shouldn't there be a opencv.jar somewhere? I've seen various posts that mention having to build the library but unfortunately I don't have the slightest clue how to do that. I need something with step by step instructions. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.



你应该在这里下载最新的 OpenCV 4 Android:

You should download the latest OpenCV 4 Android here:



And read these tutorials to get you started (in this order roughly):

Android 开发简介

OpenCV4Android SDK

使用 OpenCV 进行 Android 开发

OpenCV4Android 参考
