Java 首选项存储在 Windows 7 中的什么位置?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 windows-7 java preferences

我们在某些应用程序中使用 Java 首选项,但并没有真正注意到这一点,因为进行调用的实用程序相当陈旧,并且是在 Windows XP 时代编写的.但似乎 Java 首选项不再存储在 Windows 7 的注册表中 - 或者它们存储在不同的地方.

We use the Java preferences in some of our apps and haven't really noticed this since the utility that makes the calls is fairly old and was written in Windows XP days. But it seems the Java preferences are no longer stored in the registry in Windows 7 - or they are stored somewhere different.





What makes it wierder, is that when I run this app:

public static void main( final String[] args ) throws BackingStoreException {

    Preferences systemRoot = Preferences.systemRoot();
    Preferences preferences = systemRoot.node( "com/mycompany/settings" );

    systemRoot.put( "foo", "bar" );
    systemRoot.put( "baz", "lolz" );
    System.out.println( "-------------------------------" );

    String[] keys = preferences.keys();
    for( String key : keys ) {
        System.out.println( key );

    System.out.println( "-------------------------------" );

    keys = systemRoot.keys();
    for( String key : keys ) {
        System.out.println( key );


It actually writes (I can comment the put out and run it again and it works) but I don't see the new keys in the registry.


Also, I can't seem to see this documented anywhere. Thanks in advance.

EDIT #1 这很重要的唯一原因是设置的变化取决于它运行的环境.话虽如此,通过手动插入注册表项然后进行一些检查来模拟该环境通常很有用.

EDIT #1 The only reason this matters is that the setting changes dependent upon which environment it is ran. This being said, it is often useful to simulate that environment by inserting the registry keys manually and then doing some checking.


I was running as admin, yet I did not see the keys in the registry where I expected them to be.


