
2022-01-18 00:00:00 windows-7 android eclipse

我在 Win7 64 位上安装了 Eclipse Indigo,并安装了 ADT 插件和 Android SDK.

I have Eclipse Indigo installed on Win7 64bit with the ADT plugin and Android SDK's installed.


An error occurs when I have my emulator open and I try to launch my test application:

Failed to initialize Monitor Thread: Unable to establish loopback connection

我已经调查过这个错误,它通常似乎是防火墙问题,但在防火墙关闭后,我仍然收到错误消息.安装另一个基于 Eclipse 的 IDE(Aptana 3)与我有什么关系吗?

I have looked into this error and it most often appears to be a firewall issue but with the firewall turned off I still get the error. Would it have anything to do with me having another Eclipse based IDE installed (Aptana 3)?


Things I have tried so far:

  • 关闭防火墙
  • 将 ddms 端口更改为 8601
  • 检查的 localhost 设置为 127.0.01


I'm running out of ideas so any help of suggestions would be appreciated.


无需禁用 IPV6.只需强制 Eclipse 使用 IPV4.编辑 eclipse.ini 并添加最后一行:

No need to disable IPV6. Just force Eclipse to use IPV4. Edit eclipse.ini and add the last line:

