如何从 JCAPS 迁移到 WSO2 ESB

2022-01-17 00:00:00 wso2 java esb wso2esb jcaps

我们正在使用 JavaCAPS(JCAPS 5.X 和 6.X)并希望迁移到 WSO2 ESB.现在的问题是我们如何尽可能多地进行自动迁移.

We are using a JavaCAPS (JCAPS 5.X and 6.X) and want to migrate to WSO2 ESB. Now the question is how we can migrate with as much automatic migration as possible.

可以将 JCD 迁移到由 WSO2 代理或序列提供的自定义中介类.但我们的主要问题是迁移不同的 OTD(对象类型定义),例如 DatabaseStockedProcedure、WebService、CustomTextFile……

TThe JCDs can be migrated to a custom mediator class that is being by a WSO2 proxy or sequence. But our main issue is the migration of the different OTD(Object Type Definitions) like DatabaseStockedProcedure, WebService, CustomTextFile, ...

是否有任何工具或操作指南可以将 JCAPS 组件转换为 WSO2 兼容组件(或标准 Java 实现,如 JAXB 或类似的)?

(请不要推荐其他 ESB)

(Please no recommendations for other ESB)


Linkedin 上有一篇关于 这个 .您可能需要拥有linkedin 个人资料才能查看讨论.

There was a post on Linkedin regarding this . You may need to have a linkedin profile to see the discussion.
