如何在 Eclipse 项目中使用 Firebase 云消息?

我在 Eclipse 中有一个项目.我需要包含


但我不明白如何将 firebase 云消息包含到 eclipse 中.我找不到如何将它包含在 Eclipse 中.


可以在 Google 存储库中找到新的 Firebase (9xx) 库.您可以使用 Eclipse Android SDK Manager 安装它.打开 SDK 管理器并向下滚动,直到找到 Google Repository 并安装包.

该软件包将安装在/extras/google/m2repository 中,您可以在/com/google/android/firebase 的下方找到 Firebase 文件.

您可以将 .aar 文件重命名为 .zip 并提取 jar 文件,从 classes.jar 重命名这些文件并将它们复制到 Eclipse 中显示的项目 libs 文件夹(或复制到 Eclipse 外部,然后按照说明导入项目进入 Eclipse.)

I have a project in eclipse. I need include firebase library. If I was using Android Studio the steps would simply be:

And its all, all library include.

But I cant understand how include firebase cloud message to eclipse. I cant find how include it to eclipse.


The new Firebase (9xx) libraries can be found in the Google Repository. You can install this with the Eclipse Android SDK Manager. Open the SDK manager and scroll down until you find Google Repository and install the package.

The package will be installed in /extras/google/m2repository and you will find the Firebase files further down at /com/google/android/firebase.

You can rename the .aar files to .zip and extract the jar file, rename these from classes.jar and copy them to the project libs folder displayed in Eclipse (or copy outside Eclipse and then follow the instructions to import a project into Eclipse.)
