
2022-01-17 00:00:00 sonarqube java

我有一个关于这个电话的声纳警报 minRating.getRatgCaam()

I have a sonar alert on this call minRating.getRatgCaam()



AgencyRating minRating = null;
if (!getRatingUtilities().isNR(minRating)) {
    return minRating.getRatgCaam(); //Sonar: Null pointers should not be dereferenced

方法 isNR(minRating) 是一个辅助方法,用于验证对象 minRating 是否为空

The method isNR(minRating) is a helper method that validate among other things, if the object minRating is null

public boolean isNR(AgencyRating rating) {
    return rating == null || isNR(rating.getRatgCaam());


When I added the not null validation as sonar suggest. Sonar is ok.

if (minRating !=null  && !getRatingUtilities().isNR(minRating)) {
    return minRating.getRatgCaam(); // no more alert

Sonar 无法确定辅助方法是否进行了 null 验证.我不需要再次进行此验证.

Sonar can't determine that the helper method did the null validation. I don't need to do this validation again.



这确实是一个误报,因为在撰写本文时,sonarqube java 分析器(撰写本文时版本为 4.2.1)不支持跨过程分析因此它无法确定确实,要使条件为真,minRating 的值必须为非空.

This is indeed a false positive because, at time of writing, the sonarqube java analyzer (version 4.2.1 at time of writing) does not support cross procedural analysis and so it is not able to determine that indeed, for the condition to be true, the value of minRating has to be non null.


This is a feature that we are currently heavily working on to be able to switch off such kind of false positives.
