Sonar Lint 与服务器规则不同步

Sonar Lint 2.0,它连接到我自己的 Sonar Qube 服务器,插件没有报告任何问题.问题是它与我的服务器规则不同步.找到了 Java 文档中提到的那些,但它们似乎也不是全部.我想知道这些java规则列表是否仅在未连接到任何服务器时才使用.

Sonar Lint 2.0, It's connected to my own Sonar Qube server with no issues reported by the plugin. The issue is that it is not in sync with my server rules. Found those mentioned in the doc for Java but they also seemed not to be all. I wonder if these java rule list are used only when it's not connected to any server only.


Does it have a restriction of what rules to use or synchronize when using a remote server?


What exactly we can do to make it synch if it is possible.

Plateform: Java
SonarQube Server: Version 5.6+
Sonar Lint: Version 2.0



  1. SonarQube 服务器支持 PMD、FindBug 和 CheckStyle 等外部插件.
  2. SonarLint 管理层已决定不支持任何外部插件,因此您在此处仅支持 Sonar 错误规则.
  1. SonarQube Server supports external plugins like PMD, FindBug, and CheckStyle.
  2. SonarLint management has decided not to support any external plugin, so you have only support of Sonar bug rules here.


我们可以做的是,我们可以从 SonaQube 服务器导出错误规则文件并将其与已安装的外部插件(PMD、FindBug、CheckStyle)链接,以便它们可以提示您 Sonarlint 无法单独显示的问题.

What we can do is that we can export the bug rules file from SonaQube Server and link it with the installed external plugins (PMD, FindBug, CheckStyle) so they can prompt you issues which Sonarlint is not able to show alone.
