“泄漏期"是什么意思?在 sonarQube 中是什么意思?
我是 SonarQube 的新手,我开始阅读文档,但很多时候都发现了泄漏期",但我没有找到任何关于它的信息,谁能解释一下它的含义.
I'm new in SonarQube I started reading documentation but a lot of time a found "The leak period" but I didn't found anything about it can someone explain me what it means.
Shortly, leak period is time frame (usually since last release), where specified criteria are measured on newly added code. This allows to focus on quality of fresh code and stop the accumulation of technical debt.
此处的文档中解释了泄漏"概念 https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Fixing+the+Water+Leak
The "leak" concept is explained in documentation here https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Fixing+the+Water+Leak
更新SonarSource 充实并更新了术语/理念:https://sonarqube.org/features/clean-as-you-code.
Update SonarSource has fleshed-out and updated the terminology / philosophy: https://sonarqube.org/features/clean-as-you-code.