mvn sonar:sonar 是做什么的?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 sonarqube java maven

命令 mvn sonar:sonar 执行哪些 maven 生命周期阶段?

What are the maven lifecycle phases does the command mvn sonar:sonar execute?

当我看到在屏幕上运行的日志时,在我发现的非常高级的 test, install 上.

While I see the logs that run over the screen, at a very high level test, install that I spotted out.


我有一个像下面这样的 maven 项目

I have a maven project like the following





Consider the following scenario, I have done them sequentially at root level

  1. mvn 全新安装
  2. mvn sonar:sonar -- 查看报告
  3. 通过添加一些测试用例来修改 child-2 以增加代码覆盖率
  4. 运行 mvn sonar:sonar
  1. mvn clean install
  2. mvn sonar:sonar -- See the report
  3. Modified child-2 by adding some test cases to increase the code coverage
  4. Run mvn sonar:sonar


My changes for the test cases are not reflecting in the report.

  1. 我已从 sonarqube 中删除报告
  2. mvn 声纳:声纳


简而言之,我需要执行 mvn clean install 然后 mvn sonar:sonar 吗?

In brief, Do I need to perform mvn clean install and then mvn sonar:sonar ?

如果 mvn sonar:sonar 涵盖执行 mvn clean install,为什么报告给我旧数字?

If mvn sonar:sonar covers executing the mvn clean install, why the report gives me old numbers?


mvn sonar:sonar 不会触发 mvn clean install 执行.它仅触发 Maven Surefire 插件执行.

mvn sonar:sonar does not trigger a mvn clean install execution. It triggers a Maven Surefire plugin execution only.

这就是为什么您需要在每次分析之前执行 mvn clean install - 否则您编译的类将不是最新的,因此 Surefire 执行将不包括最近的修改.

This is why you need to perform a mvn clean install before each analysis - otherwise your compiled classes won't be up-to-date and therefore the Surefire execution won't include recent modifications.
