
2022-01-17 00:00:00 exception sonarqube java

当两个列表的长度不相等时,我需要 throw RuntimeException.我们正在使用 SonarQube 工具进行代码审查.

I need to throw RuntimeException when length of two lists is not equal. We are using SonarQube tool for code review purpose.


if (objctArray.length != columnArray.length) {
                throw new RuntimeException(String.format("objctArray and columnArray length is not same. objctArray length = %d, columnArray length = %d", objctArray.length, columnArray.length));

现在,SonarQubethrow new RuntimeException 行提出了 Define 并抛出专用异常而不是使用通用异常. 的问题.我不知道我可以替换哪个异常来解决 SonarQube 问题.

Now, SonarQube raises issue that Define and throw a dedicated exception instead of using a generic one. at throw new RuntimeException line. I don't know which exception I can replace to resolve SonarQube issue.


如果这两个列表是传递给方法的参数,IllegalArgumentException 将是一个很好的抛出候选者.它是 RuntimeException 的子类,所以你仍然会抛出一种 RuntimeException.

If those two lists are arguments passed to a method, IllegalArgumentException would be a good candidate to throw. It's a sub-class of RuntimeException, so you'll still be throwing a kind of RuntimeException.

if (objctArray.length != columnArray.length) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("objctArray and columnArray length is not same. objctArray length = %d, columnArray length = %d", objctArray.length, columnArray.length));
