如果违反声纳阈值,我如何让 Hudson/Jenkins 失败?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 metrics sonarqube jenkins hudson java

我正在使用 maven 构建我的 java 应用程序,Jenkins 用于 CI,Sonar 用于指标.

I am using maven to build my java app, Jenkins for CI and Sonar for metrics.

目前我有一个创建声纳报告的构建作业.(通过 Jenkins 中的构建后步骤触发.)

Currently I have a build job that creates the sonar report. (Triggered via a post-build step in Jenkins.)

如果满足某些阈值 - 即任何主要或阻止程序违规或复杂性超过 1.7,我想将其设置为使构建失败.

I would like to set this up to fail the build if certain thresholds are met - i.e. any major or blocker violations or Complexity more than 1.7.

任何指导将不胜感激!- L

Any guidance would be appreciated! - L


安装 构建断路器插件.

如果代码违反任何 警报阈值 您在项目的 Sonar 质量配置文件中指定.

Fails your build if the code breaches any of the alert thresholds you specify on the project's Sonar quality profile.

Sonarqube 不再推荐使用这个插件:

Sonarqube no longer recommends the use of this plugin:

  • http://www.sonarqube.org/why-你不应该使用build-breaker/

自从我 7 年前写这个答案以来,产品似乎发生了变化

It appears the product has changed since I wrote this answer 7 years ago

  • https://blog.sonarsource.com/打破声纳分析与詹金斯管道/
