用于查询 LDAP 的 Java API

2022-01-17 00:00:00 ldap active-directory java

我希望查询 LDAP 服务器以从中检索所有用户条目.我遇到了一些图书馆

I am looking to query LDAP server to retrieve all the user entries from it. I have come across some libraries

  1. OpenLDAP
  3. Mozilla 目录
  4. Apache 目录 API

我的要求是查询像 AD 服务器这样的 LDAP 实现中的所有用户、易于编程和图书馆周围的良好社区.我在这里找不到明显的赢家.谁能告诉我广泛使用且功能强大的 API?

My requirements would be to query all users in an LDAP implementation like AD Server, ease of programming and good community around the library. I don't find a clear winner here. Can someone tell me the widely used and robust API?


与 Java 一起使用的最佳 API 是 UnboundID LDAP SDK.它清晰、完整、完全实现了 LDAP 标准规范、易于使用和理解、文档齐全、线程安全,而且标准版是免费的.甚至没有其他 API 能比得上.

The best API to use with Java is the UnboundID LDAP SDK. It's clear, complete, fully implements the LDAP standard specification, easy-to-use and understand, fully documented, thread-safe where it should be, and the standard edition is free. No other API even comes close.

  • 使用 UnboundID LDAP SDK 的 LDAP 示例
