使用 objectGUID 查询 - Spring LDAP 模板

2022-01-17 00:00:00 hex ldap active-directory spring java

我正在尝试获取、存储并反过来使用 objectGUID 来查询 Active Directory.要获取用户属性,我正在使用以下

I am trying to fetch, store and in turn use objectGUID to query Active directory. To get user attributes i am using following

public static class MyDnKeyValueAttMapper implements AttributesMapper<Object> {
        public List<LdapKeyValueList> mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes)
                throws NamingException, javax.naming.NamingException {
            List<LdapKeyValueList> attributeKeyValMap = new ArrayList<LdapKeyValueList>();
            NamingEnumeration<String> namingEnumeration = attributes.getIDs();

            while (namingEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                String attributeName = (String) namingEnumeration.nextElement();
                String AttributeValue = attributes.get(attributeName).get().toString();
                attributeKeyValMap.add(new LdapKeyValueList(attributeName, AttributeValue));
            return attributeKeyValMap;

objectGuid 似乎总是以字符串格式返回.我也试过-

objectGuid always seems to be returned in string format. I have also tried -

UUID guid = (UUID) attributes.get("objectGUID").get();

这会引发无法将字符串转换为 uuid"的错误

This throws error of "cannot convert string to uuid"

似乎在我可以做任何事情之前 ldaptemplate 搜索总是以字符串格式返回属性.

Seems like before i can do anything ldaptemplate search always return attributes in string format.

如何获取objectGUID"的格式,以便存储并在 ldapTemplate 搜索查询中使用.

How can i get hold of "objectGUID" in its format, so that i can store it and use in ldapTemplate search queries.



如果您不想将二进制属性(objectGUID 具有 Octet String 语法)作为字符串检索,则必须这样说.使用 Spring,您必须将 <entry key="java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary" value="objectGUID"/> 添加到您的上下文环境中.

If you don't want a binary attribute (objectGUID has Octet String syntax) to be retrieved as a string, you must say so. With Spring you'll have to add <entry key="java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary" value="objectGUID"/> to your context environment.

稍后 byte[] guid = (byte[])namingEnumeration.getAttributes().get("objectGUID").get(); 应该会返回您要查找的内容.

Later on byte[] guid = (byte[]) namingEnumeration.getAttributes().get("objectGUID").get(); should return what you're looking for.

