获取 LDAP 对象的内部属性

2022-01-17 00:00:00 attributes ldap java jndi

我正在尝试获取 LDAP 用户内部属性,但找不到如何获取它们

I am trying to fetch LDAP User internal attributes, but couldn't find how to fetch them

DirContext ctx = this.getDirContext();
List<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = null;
try {
  SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
  results = ctx.search("", "(objectclass=person)", controls);
  while (results.hasMore()) {
    SearchResult searchResult = results.next();
    Attributes attributes = searchResult.getAttributes();
    String fullName = this.getValue(attributes.get("cn"));
    //so on...
// so on

从 LDAP,我也想获取每个员工/个人的内部属性.默认情况下,它不返回内部属性 [例如:createTimestamp]

from LDAP, I want to fetch each employee/person internal attributes too. By Default, it's not returning the internal attributes [ex: createTimestamp]


除非您要求,否则您不会获得任何操作属性.目前不要求任何属性,相当于构造SearchControls,或者之后调用SearchControls.setReturningAttributes(String[]),使用参数new String[]{"*"}:这给了你所有的非操作属性.

You won't get any operational attributes unless you ask for them. At present you aren't asking for any attributes, which is equivalent to constructing the SearchControls, or calling SearchControls.setReturningAttributes(String[]) afterwards, using the argument new String[]{"*"}:this gives you all the non-operational attributes.

要同时获取操作属性,请使用参数 new String[]{"*","+"}.

To get the operational attributes as well, use the argument new String[]{"*","+"}.
