从 Java Set 中获取 *any* 值的好方法?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 set java any

给定一个简单的 Set<T>,从 Set 获取 any 值的好方法是什么(快速,几行代码)代码>?

Given a simple Set<T>, what is a good way (fast, few lines of code) to get any value from the Set?


List<T> things = ...;
return things.get(0);

但是,对于 Set,没有 .get(...) 方法,因为 Set 没有顺序.

But, with a Set, there is no .get(...) method because Sets are not ordered.


一个 Set 是一个 Iterable,所以迭代到第一个元素是可行的:

A Set<T> is an Iterable<T>, so iterating to the first element works:

Set<T> things = ...;
return things.iterator().next();

Guava 有 一种方法 来做到这一点,虽然上面的代码片段 可能更好.

Guava has a method to do this, though the above snippet is likely better.
