
2022-01-17 00:00:00 http-headers http java jsp

我使用了代码request.getHeader("Referer");"该代码似乎工作正常.但最近我发现它在 IE 中不起作用.IE 正在抛出 null.我现在对如何前进一无所知.Referer"标头是否有任何替代方案可以获取上一个链接并在所有浏览器中正常工作?从上一个链接设置自定义标题对我来说不是一个可行的选择.所以有人请帮我解决这个问题.谢谢.

I have used the code "request.getHeader("Referer");" The code seemed to work fine. But recently I found out that it is not working in IE. IE was throwing null. I am now left clueless about how to go forward. Is there any alternative for "Referer" header which can get the previous link and work correctly in all the browsers? Setting a custom header from the previous link is not a viable option for me. So someone please help me out on this. Thanks.



The "Referer" header entry is optional. You cannot rely on it being present. There is no cross-browser way to get the previous link because this depends on the user settings and proxy configuration (i.e. what the system administrators think they should allow you to see).


You must find a way to live without this information.
