恐慌:缺少“arm"CPUS 的仿真器引擎程序

2022-01-17 00:00:00 arm android android-emulator eclipse


I am getting the same issue as mentioned in below link.But this one has been put on hold and I am still seeking for a solution. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27146511/panic-missing-emulator-engine-program-for-arm-cpus-eclipse


So I would like to frame the question and ask here. Until yesterday, emulator were working fine. But since today I am receiving the following error while I am trying to open emulator

PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'arm' CPUS

我的 AVD:


我已经通过 SDK 管理器更新和安装了组件,我什至还尝试重新启动 eclipse 和我的电脑.我尝试创建新的 AVD 但这里没有任何效果.

I have updated and installed components through SDK Manager and I even tried to restart eclipse and my pc as well. I tried creating new AVD But nothing worked here.



与Avast Antivirus有关,在其隔离区发现一堆emulator-arm文件.问题开始于几个小时前.

It is related to Avast Antivirus, has found bunch of emulator-arm files in its quarantine. Problem started couple of hours ago.

我做了什么作为临时解决方案:从隔离区恢复 emulator-arm,将其添加到 avast 异常,暂停 Avast,运行 AVD,然后恢复 Avast

What I did as temporary solution: restored emulator-arm from quarantine, added it to avast exception, paused Avast, run AVD, then resumed Avast
