Java 应用程序接收传入电子邮件的最简单方法是什么?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 email smtp smtpd java

使用 commons-email 发送电子邮件很容易,而使用 spring 则更容易.收到收到的电子邮件怎么办?是否有易于使用的 API 允许退回电子邮件、处理附件等.

Sending email is easy with commons-email, and with spring it is even easier. What about receiving incoming email? Are there easy to use APIs that allow to bounce emails, process attachments, etc.


SubEthaSMTP 邮件服务器允许您创建自己的 SMTP 服务器来接收电子邮件.

SubEthaSMTP Mail Server allows you to create your own SMTP Server for receiving emails.
