“+"Java 类的运算符

2022-01-17 00:00:00 class numbers operator-overloading java


private static class Num {
    private int val;

    public Num(int val) {
        this.val = val;


Is it possible to add to objects of the class by using the "+"-operator?

Num a = new Num(18);
Num b = new Num(26);
Num c = a + b;


不,你不能.+ 仅对数字、字符和 String 进行重载,并且不允许定义任何额外的重载.

No, you can't. + is overloaded only for numbers, chars and String, and you are not allowed to define any additional overloadings.

有一种特殊情况,当您可以连接任何对象的字符串表示时 - 如果前两个操作数中有 String 对象,则调用 toString()在所有其他对象上.

There is one special case, when you can concatenate any objects' string representation - if there is a String object in the first two operands, toString() is called on all other objects.


int i = 0;
String s = "s";
Object o = new Object();
Foo foo = new Foo();

int r = i + i; // allowed
char c = 'c' + 'c'; // allowed
String s2 = s + s; // allowed
Object o2 = o + o; // NOT allowed
Foo foo = foo + foo; // NOT allowed
String s3 = s + o; // allowed, invokes o.toString() and uses StringBuilder
String s4 = s + o + foo; // allowed
String s5 = o + foo; // NOT allowed - there's no string operand
