如何在 Swing java 中制作 JFrame 模态

2022-01-17 00:00:00 modal-dialog java swing jframe

我创建了一个使用 JFrame 的 GUI.我应该如何使它成为模态的?

I have created one GUI in which I have used a JFrame. How should I make it Modal?


如果你想使窗口模式化,最好的办法是使用 JDialog 而不是 JFrame.查看在 Java 6 中引入 Modality API 的详细信息信息.还有教程.

Your best bet is to use a JDialog instead of a JFrame if you want to make the window modal. Check out details on the introduction of the Modality API in Java 6 for info. There is also a tutorial.

这里是一些示例代码,它将在 JDialog 中显示 JPanel 面板,它是 Frame parentFrame 的模态.除了构造函数之外,这遵循与打开 JFrame 相同的模式.

Here is some sample code which will display a JPanel panel in a JDialog which is modal to Frame parentFrame. Except for the constructor, this follows the same pattern as opening a JFrame.

final JDialog frame = new JDialog(parentFrame, frameTitle, true);

更新 Modality API 链接 &添加了教程链接(向@spork 致敬).

updated Modality API link & added tutorial link (nod to @spork for the bump).
