无法在 web.xml 或 jar 文件中解析 Struts 标记图块

2022-01-16 00:00:00 tiles java jsp maven struts2

我在 Eclipse IDE 和 JBoss5 服务器和 maven 中使用 Struts2 进行构建.我试图在一个简单的登录应用程序中使用磁贴.但我无法包含标签库.我已经在 pom.xml 文件中导入了所有必要的 jar 依赖项.以下是我在 maven pom.xml 文件中包含的 jar 列表:

I am using Struts2 in Eclipse IDE and JBoss5 server and maven for build. I was trying to use tiles in a simple login application. But I am not able to include the taglib. I have imported all the necessary jars dependencies in pom.xml file. Following is the list of jars which I have included in maven pom.xml file:

  • struts2-core
  • struts2-tiles-plugin
  • commons-beanutils
  • struts-taglib
  • commons-digester
  • commons-beanutils
  • tiles-api


and also I included and tried different possible combinations of

  1. tiles-api-2.0.3.jar
  2. tiles-core-2.0.3.jar
  3. tiles-jsp-2.0.3.jar
  4. struts-tiles.jar


and still it is not working, the Errors are :

-The absolute uri: http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
-ServletException including path '/layout.jsp'. 
-ServletException including path '/layout.jsp'. 

当我尝试在 JSP 页面上导入图块 taglib 时,它会显示

when I am trying to import tiles taglib on a JSP page it says

URI: http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles 无法在web.xml 或随此应用程序部署的 jar 文件.

URI: http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application.


I tried Google also. Got some solutions but they didn't work for me.


您应该使用至少 2.4 版本的 servlet API.在图块中,您可以使用 taglib 定义

You should use servlet API at least version 2.4. In the tiles you could use taglib definition

<%@ taglib uri="http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles" prefix="tiles" %>

不要用 Tiles 工件弄乱 Struts 1 taglib 和 tile jar.

Don't mess up Struts 1 taglib and tiles jars with Tiles artifacts.
