
Java 编译器或 JIT 编译器是否将除法或乘法优化为 2 的恒定幂以进行位移?

Does the Java compiler or the JIT compiler optimize divisions or multiplications by a constant power of two down to bitshifting?


For example, are the following two statements optimized to be the same?

int median = start + (end - start) >>> 1;
int median = start + (end - start) / 2;

(基本上 这个问题但对于 Java)

(basically this question but for Java)


不,Java 编译器不这样做,因为它无法确定 (end - start) 的标志是什么 将.为什么这很重要?负整数的位移产生与普通除法不同的结果.在这里你可以看到一个演示:这个简单的测试:

No, the Java compiler doesn't do that, because it can't be sure on what the sign of (end - start) will be. Why does this matter? Bit shifts on negative integers yield a different result than an ordinary division. Here you can see a demo: this simple test:

System.out.println((-10) >> 1);  // prints -5
System.out.println((-11) >> 1);  // prints -6
System.out.println((-11) / 2);   // prints -5

另外请注意,我使用 >> 而不是 >>>.>>> 是无符号位移,而 >> 是有符号的.

Also note that I used >> instead of >>>. A >>> is an unsigned bitshift, while >> is signed.

System.out.println((-10) >>> 1); // prints 2147483643

@Mystical:我写了一个基准测试,表明编译器/JVM 没有进行优化:
