在 Struts 2.5 中使用顶部对象

2022-01-16 00:00:00 java jsp struts2 ognl

根据 s2-026:

即将推出的 Struts 将不再支持使用 top 进行表达式2.5版!

Support for expression using top will be dropped in upcoming Struts version 2.5!

我们在很多 JSP 页面中使用了 top 对象,如下所示(显示了 currencyTypes 的列表并从 Struts 中查找名称消息):

We used the top object in lots of JSP pages as below (which shows a list of currencyTypes and look up the name from Struts messages):

<s:select name = "selectedCurrencyType" 
          list = "currencyTypes"
       listKey = "top" 
     listValue = "%{getText('acc.currencyType.'+top)}" />


It currently works with struts but according to above comment, will above select box works for 2.5, or we will not have the top reference any more?!

如果这是真的,请告诉我我们应该如何修复上面的 s:select?!

If this is true, please let me know how should we fix above s:select?!


添加了对 top 对象的支持以支持内部操作,它不应该被用户使用(是的,在文档中表示是个坏主意:()

Support for top object was added to support internal operations, it shouldn't be used by users (yes, expressing that in docs was a bad idea :( )

无论如何,看来我们必须准备迁移路径或保持对 top 对象的支持.

Anyway, looks like we must prepare a migration path or keep support for the top object.
