Struts2 与 Spring 3

2022-01-16 00:00:00 spring java spring-mvc struts2

有谁知道 Struts2 和 Spring 3 MVC 之间的区别.我知道 Struts 1 和 Spring 2.5 之间的区别,但是 Struts2 与 Spring 3 或其他相比有什么优势.

Does anyone know difference between Struts2 and Spring 3 MVC. I know the difference between Struts 1 and Spring 2.5, but what's the advantage Struts2 has over Spring 3 or otherwise.


I tried looking all over web, but there is no comprehensive answer anywhere.


Struts2真的是WebWork 2重命名为Struts2.考虑一下 Struts 本质上利用自己的品牌名称来采用 WebWork 作为其新基础的事实,这应该向您表明,至少有些人认为它非常引人注目——人们并不总是抛弃他们的自己的代码库在他们发行续集时重新开始.

Struts2 is really WebWork 2 renamed as Struts2. Consider for a moment the fact that Struts essentially leveraged its own brand name to adopt WebWork as its new base, and that should suggest to you that there was at least some who felt it was very compelling -- one doesn't always throw out their own code base to start anew when they issue a sequel.

也就是说,我不会告诉你 Struts2 比 Spring 3 MVC 更好/更差.底线是它们绝对具有可比性.

That said, I'm not going to tell you that Struts2 is better/worse than Spring 3 MVC. Bottom line is that they are definitely comparable.

如果您想了解更多关于它们比较的详细信息,我建议您查看过去几年 Matt Raible 就该主题所做的演示:

If you want more details on how they compare, I suggest you check out Matt Raible's presentations in years past on this topic:


including a spreadsheet that compares several of them on various degrees:输出=html
