如何使用 Struts 2 制作注册页面

2022-01-16 00:00:00 java jsp struts2 struts-tags

我一直在尝试制作一个注册页面,该页面将采用 3 个值 IDNAMEPassword.我有一些想法,但我无法完成这个项目.

I have been trying to make a registration page which will take 3 values ID,NAME,Password. I have some ideas in mind but I was unable to make this project.

请有人了解如何使用 Struts 2 制作此注册页面.

Please can somebody through some light on how to make this registration page by using Struts 2.

我试图设计的是首先注册页面将被打开让它成为 index.jsp 然后当用户将执行他/她的条目时如果条目被更新然后返回语句将是成功.

What am trying to design is first the registration page will be open let it be index.jsp after that when the user will do his/her entries if the entries are updated then return statement will be success.

我知道如何创建 index.jsp 视图,但在创建 execute() 方法(Action 类)时有些困惑.

I know how to create view an index.jsp but am having some confusion in creating the execute() method (Action class).


注册页面是使用Struts UI标签制作的.这些标签允许您生成用户所需的 HTML 内容,以便在页面中输入用户名、密码、性别、出生日期等注册详细信息,并将其保存在用户详细信息中.

The registration page is made using Struts UI tags. These tags allows you to generate HTML content required for the user to enter registration details such as user name, password, gender, date of birth into the page and save it in the user details.

您可以按照使用注册页面代码的教程进行操作:Struts 2 UI 标签教程.

You can follow the tutorial that is using code for registration page: Struts 2 UI Tags Tutorial.

Struts 示例将您带入 处理表单 页面.在那里您可以找到来自示例项目的教程.

Struts example brings you into Processing Forms page. There you can find a tutorial from examples project.

Struts2 团队创建了示例项目来帮助您编写代码示例和教程.
