
2022-01-16 00:00:00 java jsp struts2 double-submit-problem


I am using Struts2 framework, my problem is


If user log-in into system and clicked some action lets say ACTION1, flow will go to action class and executes some method, return appropriate result. He may visit some of the web pages, and again clicked ACTION1.


As long as he is in the same session, now the control should not go that particular method but the result should be same as previous results.


How can we achieve this?


你可以试试 tokenSession 拦截器.

You can try a tokenSession interceptor.

此拦截器基于 token 拦截器构建,提供处理无效令牌的高级逻辑.与普通令牌不同拦截器,此拦截器将尝试提供智能在使用同一会话的多个请求的情况下进行故障转移.也就是说,它会阻塞后续请求,直到第一个请求被完成,然后不是返回 invalid.token 代码,而是将尝试显示与原始有效的相同响应如果没有多个请求,则将显示操作调用首先提交.

This interceptor builds off of the token interceptor, providing advanced logic for handling invalid tokens. Unlike the normal token interceptor, this interceptor will attempt to provide intelligent fail-over in the event of multiple requests using the same session. That is, it will block subsequent requests until the first request is complete, and then instead of returning the invalid.token code, it will attempt to display the same response that the original, valid action invocation would have displayed if no multiple requests were submitted in the first place.

它将防止重复提交相同的操作或重复使用您通过 s:token 标签.

It will prevent from double submit the same action or reuse the same token that you provide with s:token tag.



令牌标签用于帮助双击";提交问题.如果您使用 TokenInterceptorTokenSessionInterceptor.s:token 标签只是放置一个隐藏的包含唯一标记的元素.

The token tag is used to help with the "double click" submission problem. It is needed if you are using the TokenInterceptor or the TokenSessionInterceptor. The s:token tag merely places a hidden element that contains the unique token.


Place the tag inside your form and you never get back in submitting the same form twice. Token session interceptor will try to handle invalid token for you by returning the same response like in first case.
