如何在 Struts 2 中以单一形式处理多个动作

2022-01-16 00:00:00 java jsp struts2 ognl dmi


I have a form contains three buttons print/export/save.

<s:form action="/userAction">
    <s:submit type="image" value="%{'print'}" src="/print.png" />
    <s:submit type="image" value="%{'export'}" src="/export.png" />
    <s:submit type="image" value="%{'save'}" src="/save.png" />

如何在 struts.xml 中映射它?


struts.xml 中,动作通过 action 标签

In the struts.xml the action is mapped via the action tag

<action name="userAction" class="...

submit 按钮应该包含 method 属性来调用相应的动作方法

the submit buttons should include method attribute to call corresponding methods of the action

<s:submit type="image" value="%{'print'}" src="/print.png" method="print" />
<s:submit type="image" value="%{'export'}" src="/export.png" method="export" />
<s:submit type="image" value="%{'save'}" src="/save.png" method="save" />

注意:要映射 method 属性,您应该具有 DMI 开启.

Note: To map a method attribute you should have DMI turned on.
