在 Struts2 中设置响应的内容类型

2022-01-16 00:00:00 xml java struts2 freemarker taconite

所以,我使用带有 Struts2 的 freemarker 模板来制定我的回复.但是,由于我也在尝试使用 taconite,因此我需要使用text/xml"的内容类型发送响应.我似乎找不到使用 freemarker 指令设置内容类型的方法,而且我对 struts 的了解还不够,不知道是否有办法通过它来做到这一点.

So, I'm using freemarker templates with Struts2 to formulate my responses. However, since I'm trying to use taconite as well, I need the response to be sent with the content type of "text/xml". I can't seem to find a way to use freemarker directives to set the content type, and I am not well versed enough in struts to know if there is a way to do it through that.




Or you can set it in the struts.xml

<action name="..." class="...">
  <result name="SUCCESS">
    <param name="contentType">text/html</param>
