
我知道如何在遇到异常时在我们定义的包中调整全局错误重定向页面,只需在 struts.xml 的父包中添加以下配置:

I know how to fine a global error redirect page in our defined package when exception encountered that just by adding the following configuration in the parent package in struts.xml:

    <result name="error">/error.jsp</result>

    <exception-mapping exception="java.lang.Exception" result="error" />


But It seems to not able to catch those exceptions like requested resources, methods, pages are not found, I mean how to catch the struts2-level errors, and then I can do something to handle it.


您应该在 struts.xml 中定义您的未知处理程序.当执行未知的操作、结果或方法时,框架会调用未知的处理程序.

You should define your unknown handler in the struts.xml. Unknown handlers are called by the framework, when an unknown action, result, or method are executed.

<bean type="com.opensymphony.xwork2.UnknownHandler" name="handler" class="com.package.SomeUnknownHandler"/> 


The class should implement UknownHandler interface to handle the cases:

  • 当动作配置未知时
  • 当找不到操作和结果代码的结果时
  • 找不到操作方法时
