Struts 2 #{} 在 Netbeans 7.3 中给出编译错误

2022-01-16 00:00:00 netbeans-7.3 java jsp struts2 maven-2

我正在使用 Netbeans 7.3,并创建了一个 maven Struts 2.3 项目.

I'm using Netbeans 7.3 and I've created a maven Struts 2.3 project.

其他一切似乎都很好,除了我用 JSP 编写类似这样的东西:

Everything else seems fine, except when I write in JSP something like this :

<s:select list="#{'-1':'All Activity','0':'Posts Only','1':'Trades Only'}"

以上代码在 JSP 中出现错误.虽然它曾经在 6.9 中运行良好对我来说似乎是一个错误.任何帮助将不胜感激.

The above code gives error in JSP. Although it used to work fine in 6.9 Seems like a bug to me. Any help would be really appreciated.

我已经在插件页面上发表了关于它的评论,虽然在我看来并不像插件问题,因为 maven 与 NB 插件 AFAIK 无关.

I've already posted a comment about it on the plugin page, although doesn't seem to me like a plugin issue or so, since maven has nothing to do with NB plugins AFAIK.


在上面的代码中,列表是使用 OGNL 表达式填充的.这是有效的表达式,但 IDE 并不总是支持它,因为 OGNL 版本和插件版本可能不匹配.您始终可以将其排除在验证之外.但这不是主要问题,您可以不注意.

In the code above the list is populated using OGNL expression. That is valid expression, however IDE not always has support it since the OGNL version and plugin version may mismatch. You can always exclude it from validation. But it's not the major problem and you could not pay attention to it.


This example uses the same collection and looks fine

<s:select list="#@java.util.LinkedHashMap@{'-1':'All Activity','0':'Posts Only','1':'Trades Only'}"/>
