除了一个 servlet 之外,过滤器映射到 Struts2 吗?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 java struts2 servlet-filters

我有一个 Struts2 ( Web 应用程序.我的 web.xml 看起来像,

I have a Struts2 ( web application. My web.xml looks like,



这被配置为将所有请求映射到 struts 过滤器.我想在我的 Web 应用程序中添加一个 servlet.我想将具有特定 url 模式的所有请求发送到该 servlet.我希望其他所有内容都转到我的 struts servlet.

This is configured to map all requests to the struts filter. I want to add a servlet in my web application. I want to send all requests with a certain url pattern to that servlet. I want everything else to go to my struts servlet.

我知道我只能将*.action"映射到 struts servlet,但我讨厌 .action 在我所有 URL 的末尾.

I know I could only map "*.action" to the struts servlet, but I hate .action being on the end of all my URL's.



In your struts.xml add:

<constant name="struts.action.excludePattern" value="/ServletToExcludeFromStruts*"/>

对于多个排除项,该值也以逗号分隔.请参阅 http://struts.apache.org/2.2.1/docs/webxml.html

The value be comma delimited as well for multiple exclusions. See http://struts.apache.org/2.2.1/docs/webxml.html
