

I need to populate the records with updated message (success / failure)after updating the records in the page. both the actions are from same page. I have added the code as, After completing Update action added the result type as Chain and it shows success message. But it is not disappearing when we click on Search immediately(first time) after update action completes. Help me to clear the message while clicking on search action.


Due to above issue i used redirect option in result type. But i could get the request parameters in redirected action. is there any way to get all request parametrs in redirected action other than hardcoding it?

<interceptor-stack name="storeStack">
    <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
    <interceptor-ref name="store">
        <param name="operationMode">STORE</param>

<interceptor-stack name="retrieveStack">
    <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
    <interceptor-ref name="store">
        <param name="operationMode">RETRIEVE</param>

<action name="hierarchySaveMap" method="updateHierarchyMap"
    <interceptor-ref name="storeStack" />
    <result name="success" type="redirectAction">
        <param name="actionName">hierUpdateMDA</param>
        <param name="parse">true</param>
    <result name="input" type="tiles">hierarchyUpdate{1}</result>
    <result name="error" type="tiles">hierarchyUpdate{1}</result>

有没有办法在 struts.xml 中不进行硬编码而将参数动态发送到下一个操作?

Is there a way to send the parameters to next action dynamically without hardcoding in struts.xml?


你不能用 redirectAction 来做到这一点,其中参数名称和值可以是动态的,但参数的数量必须是硬编码的,例如

You can't do it with a redirectAction, where parameters names and values can be dynamic but the number of parameters must be hard-coded, like

<result name="success" type="redirectAction">
    <param name="actionName">hierUpdateMDA</param>
    <param name="${paramName1}">${paramValue1}</param>
    <param name="${paramName2}">${paramValue2}</param>
    <param name="${paramName3}">${paramValue3}</param>

但是您可以使用 redirect 结果(通常用于重定向到非操作 URL)来做到这一点.

But you can do it with a redirect result (that is generally used to redirect to non-action URLs).

基本上,您只需要在 Struts 配置中指定命名空间和操作名称(它们也可以是动态的,TBH),以及表示 QueryString 的动态参数.

Basically, you need to specify only the namespace and the action name (and they could be dynamic too, TBH) in Struts configuration, and a dynamic parameter representing the QueryString.

然后在第一个 Action(或 BaseAction)中,您需要一个方法来获取 Parameter Map,循环遍历每个参数(及其每个值),对它们进行 URLEncode 并返回挂载的 QueryString.而已.

Then in the first Action (or in a BaseAction), you need a method to get the Parameter Map, loop through each parameter (and each one of its values), URLEncode them and return the mounted QueryString. That's it.

这将适用于表单数据 (POST)、查询参数(通常是 GET)或两者(带有表单数据 和 QueryString 的 POST),并且它是 URL 安全的.

This will work with form data (POST), query parameters (generally GET) or both (POST with form data and QueryString), and it's URL safe.

Struts 配置

<package name="requestGrabber" namespace="cool" extends="struts-default">
    <action name="source" class="org.foo.bar.cool.RequestGrabberAction" 
        <result type="redirect">                
            <param name="location">/cool/target.action${queryParameters}</param>
    <action name="target" class="org.foo.bar.cool.RequestGrabberAction" 
        <result name="success">/cool/requestGrabber.jsp</result>


org.foo.bar.cool.RequestGrabberAction.java (Action classes)

package org.foo.bar.cool;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

public class RequestGrabberAction extends ActionSupport 
                               implements ServletRequestAware {

    private HttpServletRequest request; 
    public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request){ 
        this.request = request;

    public String source(){
        System.out.println("Source Action executed");
        return SUCCESS;

    public String target(){     
        System.out.println("Target Action executed");
        return SUCCESS;

    public String getQueryParameters() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String queryString = "";

        // Get parameters, both POST and GET data
        Enumeration<String> parameterNames = request.getParameterNames();

        // Loop through names
        while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {            
            String paramName = parameterNames.nextElement();
            // Loop through each value for a single parameter name
            for (String paramValue : request.getParameterValues(paramName)) {
                // Add the URLEncoded pair
                queryString += URLEncoder.encode(paramName, "UTF-8") + "="
                             + URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"UTF-8") + "&";

        // If not empty, prepend "?" and remove last "&"
        if (queryString.length()>0){  
            queryString = "?" 
                        + (queryString.substring(0,queryString.length()-1));

        return queryString;



<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>

<!doctype html>
        <title>Request Grabber</title>
        QueryString = <s:property value="queryParameters" />
        <s:form action="source" namespace="/cool">
            <s:textfield name="foo" value="%{#parameters.foo}" />
            <s:textfield name="bar" value="%{#parameters.bar}" />
            <s:submit />

