Java 开源文本挖掘框架

我想知道最好的基于 Java 的开源文本挖掘框架,以使用 botg 机器学习和字典方法.

I want to know what is the best open source Java based framework for Text Mining, to use botg Machine Learning and dictionary Methods.

我正在使用 Mallet,但没有那么多文档,我不知道它是否符合我的所有要求.

I'm using Mallet but there are not that much documentation and I do not know if it will fit all my requirements.


老实说,我认为这里提供的几个答案非常好.但是,为了满足我的要求,我选择使用 Apache UIMA 和 ClearTK.它支持多种 ML 方法,我没有任何许可证问题.另外,我可以对其他 ML 方法进行封装,并且我可以利用 UIMA 框架,该框架组织良好且速度快.

I honestly think that the several answers presented here are very good. However, to fulfill my requirements I have chosen to use Apache UIMA with ClearTK. It supports several ML Methods and I do not have any licences problem. Plus, I can make wrappers to other ML methodologies, and I take the advantage of the UIMA framework, which is very well organized and fast.


