
我正在寻找适用于 Java 的完整堆栈框架(从持久性到视图生成 (CRUD)).我没有使用 Rails 风格框架(如 Grails)的经验,但我经常使用 Hibernate、Struts、Spring ...

I'm looking for a full stack framework (from persistency to view generation (CRUD)) for Java. I don't have experience with Rails style frameworks, like Grails, but I worked a lot with Hibernate, Struts, Spring ...

我更喜欢一个框架,它可以让您以更少的努力自然地修改业务领域设计(即编写 sql 查询来修改表和约束、更改视图页面等......).我正在寻找有关此主题的一些信息,例如,我看到了 Naked Objects,但它的开发已经停止.所以,我想听听你的经历.

I prefer a framework that let you naturally modify the business domain design with the less effort ( i.e. writing the sql querys to modify the tables and constrains, change the view pages, etc ... ). I was looking a bit about this topic, I saw Naked Objects for example but its development has stopped. So, I want to hear about your experience.



迟到总比不到好 :)现在有一个新的全栈 Java 框架可用,称为 CUBA 平台.请访问

Better late than never :) there is a new Full Stack Java Framework avaible now called CUBA platform . Please find more infor at
