指定 log4j 日期的时区

2022-01-16 00:00:00 datetime timezone java log4j

是否可以指定 log4j 将使用的时区?我需要日志文件中的日期与应用程序的时区不同.log4j 的 PatternLayout 使用 SimpleDateFormat.不幸的是,似乎没有办法通过模式字符串来控制 SimpleDateFormat 的时区(DateFormatsetTimeZone 方法,但这并没有'没有帮助).

Is it possible to specify the time zone that log4j will use? I need the dates in the log file to be a different time zone than the application's. log4j's PatternLayout uses SimpleDateFormat. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a way to control SimpleDateFormat's time zone via the pattern string (DateFormat has setTimeZone method but that doesn't help).

我查看了 log4j 的源代码,并且 SimpleDateFormatPatternParser.finalizeConverter 中被实例化.不幸的是,没有一种简单的方法可以获取 DateFormat 来设置时区.

I looked at log4j's source and SimpleDateFormat is being instiantiated in PatternParser.finalizeConverter. Unfortunately there's not an easy way to get a hold of the DateFormat to set the time zone.


如果在类路径中使用 Log4J extras JAR 文件,EnhancedPatternLayout 类支持此配置选项.请参阅 此链接上的 Javadoc.它作为 %d 模式组件的一部分处理,如下所示:

If you use the Log4J extras JAR file on your classpath, the EnhancedPatternLayout class supports this configuration option. See the Javadoc at this link. It's handled as part of the %d pattern component like this:

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{}{America/New_York} %p [%c] - %m%n

