Java 时区 - IST 的奇怪行为?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 timezone java


DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yy h:mm a z");
System.out.println(df.parse("6/29/2012 5:15 PM IST"));

假设我现在将 PC 的时区设置为太平洋时间(PDT 为 UTC-7),这将打印出来

Assuming I now set my PC's timezone to Pacific Time (UTC-7 for PDT), this prints

2012 年 6 月 29 日星期五 08:15:00 PDT

Fri Jun 29 08:15:00 PDT 2012

PDT 不是比 IST(印度标准时间)晚 12.5 小时吗?任何其他时区都不会出现此问题 - 我在日期字符串中尝试了 UTC、PKT、MMT 等而不是 IST.Java中是否有两个IST?

Isn't PDT 12.5 hours behind IST (Indian Standard Time)? This problem does not occur for any other timezone - I tried UTC, PKT, MMT etc instead of IST in the date string. Are there two ISTs in Java by any chance?

P.S:实际代码中的日期字符串来自外部来源,所以我不能使用 GMT 偏移量或任何其他时区格式.

P.S: The date string in the actual code comes from an external source, so I cannot use GMT offset or any other timezone format.



Sorry, I have to write an answer for this, but try this code:

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
        DF df = new DF("M/d/yy h:mm a z");
        String [][] zs = df.getDateFormatSymbols().getZoneStrings();
        for( String [] z : zs ) {
            System.out.println( Arrays.toString( z ) );

    private static class DF extends SimpleDateFormat {
        public DateFormatSymbols getDateFormatSymbols() {
            return super.getDateFormatSymbols();

        public DF(String pattern) {


您会发现 IST 在列表中出现了好几次,第一个确实是以色列标准时间.

You'll find that IST appears several times in the list and the first one is indeed Israel Standard Time.
