Hadoop 0.20.2 Eclipse 插件无法完全运行 - 无法“在 Hadoop 上运行"

我刚刚使用 Eclipse Helios (3.6) 在 Windows 7 上的 Cygwin 下完成了 Hadoop 0.20.2 的安装.Hadoop 现在已经完全启动,我正在尝试在 Eclipse 中新创建的 MapReduce 测试项目中运行测试应用程序.我正在使用 Hadoop 下载中的 Hadoop 0.20.2 插件.

I've just finished installing Hadoop 0.20.2 under Cygwin on Windows 7 with Eclipse Helios (3.6). Hadoop is now fully started, and I'm trying to run a test application within a newly created MapReduce test project in Eclipse. I'm using the Hadoop 0.20.2 plugin from the Hadoop download.

Map/Reduce Location 透视图可以正常运行,Package Explorer 中的 DFS Locations 树也是如此.但是,当我右键单击驱动程序时,选择运行方式">在 Hadoop 上运行",什么都没有发生,控制台上也没有出现错误(静默失败:().我相信应该出现一个对话框窗口,要求在它之前进行配置运行,但这没有发生.

The Map/Reduce Location perspective operates correctly, as does DFS Locations tree in the Package Explorer. However, when I right-click the driver, select 'Run As' > 'Run on Hadoop', nothing happens and no errors spawn on the Console (silent fail :(). I believe a dialog window should appear asking for config before it runs, but this is not happening.

似乎还有其他一些人遇到了同样的问题,但我还没有找到有效的答案.我试过 0.20.1 插件(完全失败).以下错误报告似乎描述了我的问题,虽然我对这一切有点新手,所以可以用经验的手/声音来提供帮助:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-1280

There seems to be a few others with the same problem, but I've yet to find an answer that works. I've tried the 0.20.1 plugin (total fail). The following bug report seems to describe my issue, though I'm a bit of a newbie to all this, so could do with a hand / voice of experience to help out: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-1280


与 hadoop 发行版捆绑的 hadoop eclipse 插件兼容 eclipse 至 3.3 版本.JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280 包含在 eclipse 3.4 中运行插件的补丁及以上.

The hadoop eclipse plugin bundled with the hadoop distribution is compatible with eclipse up to version 3.3. The JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280 contains a patch for running the plugin in eclipse 3.4 and upwards.

我刚刚使用 JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280.该文件附在票证上.你可以找到它这里.

I just compiled the patched plugin with the fixes from the JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280. The file is attached to the ticket. You can find it here.

只需从 eclipse-installation 中删除旧插件,然后将新版本的插件放入 eclipse-installation 的 dropins-folder 中.

Simply remove the old plugin from your eclipse-installation and put the new version of the plugin into the dropins-folder of your eclipse-installation.

从旧版本的插件升级后,您必须使用-clean"命令行开关启动 eclipse.可以在 这里找到有关 eclipse 命令行开关的帮助.

After upgrading from an older version of the plugin you will have to start eclipse with the "-clean" command line switch. Help on eclipse command line switches can be found here.
