
2022-01-16 00:00:00 rotation drawing android java


I'm struggling to draw a rotating bitmap around its center and do the rotating without resizing the bitmap. I'm drawing all my sprites to the screen via a game thread, so I'm looking for a solution that incorporates the original bitmap and not the canvas.



This is my code so far, it turns a bitmap around its center, yet resizes it.

i = i + 2;
            transform.postRotate(i, Assets.scoresScreen_LevelStar.getWidth()/2, Assets.scoresScreen_LevelStar.getHeight()/2);
            Bitmap resizedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(Assets.scoresScreen_LevelStar, 0, 0, Assets.scoresScreen_LevelStar.getWidth(), Assets.scoresScreen_LevelStar.getHeight(), transform, true);

            game.getGraphics().getCanvasGameScreen().drawBitmap(resizedBitmap, null, this.levelStar.getHolderPolygons().get(0), null);


我注意到这并不像听起来那么容易.我的旋转代码不是问题.位图旋转,但 dst rect 也必须根据旋转角度增加/减少,否则 bimap 会显得更小,因为它被绘制到固定的 dst rect 中.所以我猜我必须开发一些方法来返回一个 dst rect.所以需要旋转位图而不出现调整大小的方法:

I've noticed this isn't as easy as it sounds. My rotating code is not the problem. The bitmap rotates, yet the dst rect will also have to increase/decrease depending on the angle of rotation, or else the bimap will appear smaller, since it's drawn into a fixed dst rect. So I'm guessing I'll have to develop some method that will return a dst rect. So the methods needed to rotate a bitmap without appeared resizing:

public static Bitmap rotateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int rotation) // I've got this method working

public static Rect rotateRect(Rect currentDst, int rotation) // Don't got this


I understand this will require some math (trig), anyone up for the challenge? :P




I created a method that returns a matrix. The matrix can be used in the following drawing method:

public void drawBitmap (Bitmap bitmap, Matrix matrix, Paint paint)


Here you go! (The parameter shape can be replaced with ease, if you would like that, just leave a comment):

public static Matrix rotateMatrix(Bitmap bitmap, Shape shape, int rotation) {

        float scaleWidth = ((float) shape.getWidth()) / bitmap.getWidth();
        float scaleHeight = ((float) shape.getHeight()) / bitmap.getHeight();

        Matrix rotateMatrix = new Matrix();
        rotateMatrix.postScale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
        rotateMatrix.postRotate(rotation, shape.getWidth()/2, shape.getHeight()/2);
        rotateMatrix.postTranslate(shape.getX(), shape.getY());

        return rotateMatrix;


注意:如果您想要动画旋转,则必须每帧使用新值更新旋转参数,例如.1 然后 2 然后 3 ...

NB: If you want an animated rotation, the rotation parameter will have to be updated with new values every frame eg. 1 then 2 then 3 ...
