带有 SWT 的 JFreeChart

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin java jfreechart

我正在为 Eclipse 开发一个插件并扩展 org.eclipse.ui.views 扩展点.我想使用 JFreeChart 在 Eclipse 视图中绘制一些图形.是否可以在 Eclipse 视图中将 JFreeChart 与 SWT 一起使用?



I'm developping a plugin for eclipse and extending the org.eclipse.ui.views extension point. I want to use JFreeChart for drawing some graphics in eclipse view. Is it possible to use JFreeChart with SWT in eclipse view ?


Yes it is possible. The Eclipse-CS plugin does this if you want to see how it works.

Here is an example screen shot:
