从 Eclipse 颜色主题更改主题中的突出显示颜色

2022-01-16 00:00:00 eclipse-plugin eclipse

我正在使用 Eclipse Color Theme 插件,效果很好.我只有一个问题.有时,当 Eclipse 突出显示代码片段时,它看起来并不可读.例如,当 Eclipse 突出显示搜索结果时,它看起来像这样:

I'm using Eclipse Color Theme plugin and it works great. I have only one issue. Sometimes when Eclipse highlights fragments of code it just doesn't seem readable. For example when Eclipse highlights search results it looks like this:

产品"这个名称在突出显示中几乎不可见.有什么方法可以调整 Eclipse Color Theme 中的高亮颜色设置?

The name "Product" is hardly visible in the highlight. Is there any way to tune highlight color settings in Eclipse Color Theme?


PS. I'm using default themes that I got after installing the plugin. I didn't download any custom themes.


可以直接在 Eclipse 中调整高亮颜色.


You can adjust the highlight colors directly in Eclipse.

On the right side of your code you see the color mark for the search results (red arrow).
If you right-click on this mark the entry "Preferences" shows up.

这将带您进入首选项对话框:常规 > 编辑器 > 文本编辑器 > 注释

This will take you to the Preferences Dialog: General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations


If you adjust the colors for Occurences and Search Results this should do the trick for you.
