如何在 Eclipse 中运行量角器测试?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 protractor eclipse

我已经从 eclipse 市场空间安装了 Enide Studio 2014.需要在 Eclipse 中进行哪些配置设置才能使量角器测试运行.

目前我正在使用 Webstorm IDE,它具有运行配置设置,例如节点解释器、工作目录、JavaScript 文件、应用程序参数.

我不确定在 Eclipse 中哪里可以进行相同的设置.


免责声明 我是

I have installed Enide Studio 2014 from eclipse marketspace. What configurations setting need to be done in Eclipse to make protractor tests running.

Currently I am using Webstorm IDE and it has run configurations setting like Node Interpreter, Working Directory, JavaScript File, Application parameters.

I am not not sure where I can do the same settings in Eclipse.


Disclaimer I'm the author of AngularJS Eclipse

I suggest you that you install AngularJS Eclipse 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT which provides now an Eclipse Protractor support :

  • completion, hyperlink, validation for Protractor in the JavaScript Editor
  • Run/Debug Protractor
