在 Java 中使用量角器

2022-01-16 00:00:00 protractor java

我想在 Java 而不是 Node.js 上使用 Protractor.是否可以将 Protractor 与 Java 或 Python 一起使用?我们不想添加其他技术进行测试,而是想使用现有技术.

I want to use Protractor on Java and not on Node.js. Is it possible to use Protractor with Java or Python? We do not want to add another technology for testing and want to use existing technologies.


很遗憾,您在这件事上没有太多选择,因为 Protractor 是 AngularJS 的 JavaScript 测试框架,它是通过 Node.js 分发的.

Unfortunately you don't have much of a choice in the matter, as Protractor is a JavaScript Testing framework for AngularJS, it is distributed via Node.js.


We do not want to add another technology for testing and want to use existing technologies.

Protractor 是为 angularJS 应用程序定制的.因此,如果您的应用程序是使用 AngularJS 创建的,Protractor 会有所帮助,因为它内置了对 AngularJS 页面加载和操作的支持.

Protractor is customized for angularJS applications. So if your application was created using AngularJS, Protractor will help as it has inbuilt support for AngularJS page load and actions.

如果您的应用程序不是基于 Angular 构建的,您可以在您喜欢的任何其他语言之上使用 Selenium WebDriver.

If your application is not built on top of Angular, you can use Selenium WebDriver on top of any other languages you prefer.

Selenium 为用户提供了有关使用 Python 作为编写测试的媒介的文档,阅读更多关于此 这里.

Selenium provides users with documentation on using Python as a medium to write tests, read more about this here.
