Eclipse WSDL 生成器(来自 java 类)?
我想生成符合 Java 类的 WSDL.在这个阶段我不想把它放到网上,只要有 wsdl(为了和别人讨论)并验证生成的文件.
I want to generate WSDL compliant with Java classes. At this phase I don't want to put it online, just have the wsdl (in order to discuss it with someone else) and validate the generated file.
我使用的是 Eclipse,所以我更喜欢任何已经与之集成的解决方案.
I'm using Eclipse, so I would prefer any solution that's already integrated with it.
From eclipse in the java perspective:
- 右键单击要用作服务实现的 Java 类
- 选择 Web 服务 -> 创建 Web 服务
- Web 服务类型应为Botton up Java bean Web Service"
这将为您生成一个 WSDL 文件.
This will generate a WSDL file for you.